How does WiFi adapter buy?


wifi adapter

How does WiFi adapter buy?

In the purchase of WiFi adapter, the important performance indicators that we must pay attention to, the following brief for everyone to introduce

1.Ordinary users

Not through the wall and door to the user requirements directly with the USB WiFi adapter can

2. need to wear the door

For users who need to wear the door at least installed 150M rate, 3DB gain


3. need to wear a wall

For those who need to wear the door to install at least 300M rate, 3DB gain

If there is a high demand, you can consider the power cat, the working principle is to borrow the home line into the network line, 1 to 400 or so, wired wireless Internet can be compatible with the new weapon, the disadvantage is the price of the point, the advantage is not worry about wiring And cover the problem.

The above is the WiFi adapter purchase considerations, learn more about the content of WiFi adapter, please pay attention to kepnixshop official website.
